Americans flush an average of ten gallons of drinkable water down the toilet every day, for a total of 3,650 gallons per person per year. Humanure (composted human waste) is a free and bountiful source of nutrients for your home garden, and a green alternative to outhouses and porta potties, which are often maintained using harsh chemicals. When properly maintained, these composting toilets will smell better than most public restrooms (I was shocked to learn this after my first experience). When the 55-gallon high-density polyethylene barrel reaches its storage capacity, the humanure must be set aside to decompose for no less than one year. A customized HDPE panel top serves as a removable lid and a seat, vent, and light trap platform. After the composting process is complete, the humanure can be used liked traditional compost/fertilizer.
Urine is diverted to an underground chamber (upside down 5-gallon bucket) and absorbed into the soil, enriching it with nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium (urine must be diluted with water to avoid harmful nitrogen levels). Edible plants like citrus, tomatoes, cucumbers, and eggplants can benefit from the presence of these nutrients, as a 2007 study from the Department of Environmental Sciences in Finland showed that tomato plants fertilized with human urine produced nearly four times as much fruit.